Текст песни бей по газам

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

И я свеж, светел, смерть встретил, ответил
Сквозняк, ветер, прилёг в третьем, итог четен
Грязь на манжете, мир спятил, слетел с петель
Давай просто ебнём всех, а то что мы как дети?

А ты что. А ВесЪ, как всегда, весел
Боже, храни Каспийский, god bless us
И сил нам дай, как у Авроры крейсер,
Но упаси стоять на одном месте

Не мир тесен, слышь, подвинься
Мысль не лезет, когда в бошку выстрел
Ну тот, что из-за пазухи пиджачка приталенного
Для нас всего лишь способ вычитания

Слово – не воробей, слово вообще не птица
И не грузим, чтобы самим не грузиться
И такая жизнь, как у нас, тебя не греет
Мира тебе и в колонки "Barbra Streisand" Bay Gas and distant beat the eyes
Tear - balm , but Moscow does not believe in tears
Knock knock on us as a closed til
Thought we were a pass ? We will refund you for the gray Nizam

I weather, to tell fortunes , while blowing
With me garbage in holsters couple blowing
It would not check the trunk strength loft
But it was at night and I did exactly

The enemy fell into the ravine , good luck
Palm for their own, the rest of the fist
On a mobile phone numbers of those with whom walked in the room
White Mountain, White raised in the mountains

And I'm fresh, bright , met death , replied
Draft, wind, lay down in the third , the result is even
Dirt on the cuff , the world is asleep, fell off its hinges
Let's just ebnёm all , and what we as children ?

[ Ves ]
Did you know . A Ves , as always, is hilarious
God Save the Caspian , god bless us
And give us strength , like the Aurora cruiser,
But forbid stand in one place

Not a small world , listen, move over
Thought does not climb when Bosko shot
Well that , because of the close fitting jacket sinus
For us it 's just a way of subtraction

What's up! What's up! shout Forests
And what would your tongue , bitch , no scratching
You ohueesh on the number of Volyn
After all, even the trees , shit , there's trunks

Word - not a sparrow , the word no bird
And do not ship to himself not loaded
And such a life , as we do, you are not warm
Peace to you , and in the column & quot; Barbra Streisand & quot;

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