Текст песни 7 миллиардов людей

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Тексты песен / A / слова песен Anacondaz / Семь миллиардов

Перевод текста песни Семь миллиардов

Исполнитель: Anacondaz
Название: Семь миллиардов

"What, grandfather?"

- Do you know how many people live on earth and how many problems they create

"I don't know

- So let me tell you

Seven billion people, billion people

Create trillions of problems every day

(seven billion, Oh Yes, that's so Doha)

Seven billion people, billion people

Create trillions of problems every day

(seven billion, Oh Yes, and all of us on you)

Close your eyes and imagine the height of Willis Tower

Feel how huge alpha Centauri is

Estimate the magnitude of the constellation at 150 parsecs

That's roughly where it is so I don't care at all,

Now, imagine a grain of sand in the vortex of a hurricane

Imagine the size of anything with the prefix "nano-"

Imagine an electron on the scale of the solar system

That's roughly where it is so everything to me is a matter,

And if someone suddenly shows concern and participation -

Know that they are driven by greed, greed, and greed

On-the-go, he needs my flash drive or for me to give him a ride,

But he won't even pick up the phone if something serious happens:

Whether it's a hail of fire falling from the red sky

Or a huge tsunami or a ten point storm

No matter, the Ark will be sold-out in any case

And you and I are not going to get on the rescue Board for anything

After all, no one loves us, no one will remember us

We will not be missed even by family, friends and acquaintances

Universe, as if angry or for something in resentment

In principle, it doesn't matter: you and I also hate it

Seven billion people, billion people

Create trillions of problems every day

(seven billion, Oh Yes, that's so Doha)

Seven billion people, billion people

Create trillions of problems every day

(seven billion, Oh Yes, and all of us on you)

Close your eyes and imagine a desert island

Where is the bandwidth system, limited access

It, like the land of Sannikov, can not be found on the map

My introverted corner, my edemocracy

Only there can you build an impregnable castle

From all sides, enclosing it with a moat, and thus

Be 100% sure that no one will dare

With your dirty hands, knock on the door.

Let them continue to multiply their wealth

Let everyone and everyone be divided into classes and castes,

I changed my last tie a long time ago

A tube of soap bubbles and a new water Blaster

Disasters, epidemics, wars, pandemics

Put a bold dot over the" i " in the word world

Everyone we know will turn into ruthless zombies

More eager than ever to make us their own kind

After all, no one loves us, no one will remember us

We will not be missed even by family, friends and acquaintances,

But as long as we have our own little island

We will never return to the mainland

We will enjoy life and writhe with happiness,

And really, what could be more beautiful than loneliness?

No one will ask, " How are you?"no one will help

Blissful old age surrounded by your favorite cats

Seven billion people, billion people

Create trillions of problems every day

(seven billion, Oh Yes, and you and I are one of them)

Seven billion people, billion people

Create trillions of problems every day

(seven billion, Oh Yes, potential friends)

"What, grandfather?"

- Have you watched a movie where some people control other people?


"No, Anthony. In "Surrogates", people control androids

"No, Anthony. In the Matrix, people are controlled by the matrix

"Well, maybe Avatar?"

- Anthony C Anthony go on

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А, кстати, никто случайно не знает, что за песня со словами Why? Why? We gotta die??

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