Текст песни 666х7 velial squad

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Перевод текста песни 666x7

Velial Squad

Исполнитель: Velial Squad
Название: 666x7

Every damn day

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

Every damn day

Triple six at seven

Know that we sow evil

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

There's enough for all

Triple six at seven

My schedule is triple sixes.

There are six hours a day of murderous spanking

Shibari and white skin

Her pain pleasure will multiply many times

Mind in smoke

Six days a week

Do not comprehend the mind

Layer of crystals on the body

The sixth minute looked inside his head

There's one mother of pearl

The poisoned halo shines in the halls

I'm in the acidic chains are looking for new trip

My book is only six pages long.

Gathered this world from sin bit by bit

My Nikes on the block fly like birds

Burn a new Spliff, blurring the boundaries

Every damn day

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

Every damn day

Triple six at seven

Know that we sow evil

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

There's enough for all

Triple six at seven

There's so much to do in the flames, Hey

There's so many bodies in the trunk, Hey.

They have nowhere to hide with shovels in the slush

Drowning in acid, Hey

Black mask with me, and I in a black flame

That . bastard from outside who writes worthless tracks

That finished blacker

Feel my anger, Hey

Hell in the ice, I'm lord of doom

My throne in hell - I long corpse

That ancient spirit, the snow around

. haters, . fame and the whole game

I can smell the stink of those little Fuckers a mile away.

He only knows how to . I'll cut his throat

From birth cursed

My dogs are growling somewhere

She's hurting.

Love those screams

Every damn day

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

Every damn day

Triple six at seven

Know that we sow evil

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

Triple six at seven

There's enough for all

Triple six at seven

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Отзывы о песне Velial Squad - 666x7

Сегодня на улице слышал песню со словами Но я от тебя уезжаю, я от тебя уезжаю, кто знает что за песня?

Ответ: Да это точно Каспийский груз Другой город

Какие же сильные эмоции вызывает трек 666x7. Этот клип вообще самый любимый. И голос, и музыка, про слова - вообще молчу.

молодец. никогда не думал. что буду слушать Velial Squad… но 666x7 все изменила…

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