Слова песни синий трактор на английском
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
Тексты песен / С / слова песен Синий трактор / Едет трактор
Перевод текста песни Едет трактор
Синий трактор
Исполнитель: Синий трактор
Название: Едет трактор
In the fields, the fields blue tractor coming to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Mu mimumum of momomomomo momomomomoment
That's right, it's a cow!
In the fields, the fields red tractor coming to us
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Bebebebe . of bebebebe babababababa Baa
That's right, it's a Ram!
In the fields, the fields green tractor coming to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
That's right, it's a pig!
In the fields, the fields, the orange tractor is coming to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Gagagagaga gaugegauge woof of gaav
That's right, it's a dog!
In the fields, the fields yellow tractor coming to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Mememe mememe memememe memeeeeeeee
Hehe, it's a goat!
In the fields, the fields brown tractor rides to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Kukareku kukareku Carecu of kukukukuku
That's right, it's a cock!
In the fields, the fields white tractor rides to us,
He's got someone singing in his trailer.,
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Rrr rrrrr Rrr rrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrr
Sure, it's a tiger! I'm afraid of him.
In the fields, fields pink tractor rides to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Meow to the meow mausam omaruum of maum of auuuuuu
Ks-ks-ks, that's right, it's a cat!
Fields and fields of purple tractor rides to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Kviewcanvas kva kva kva Kuva of kaaaaa
Heh heh heh, it's a frog!
In the fields, the fields, tractor rides black us,
He's got someone singing in his trailer.,
Come on, baby, come on(! ), try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Ia ia Iia iiaiaiia of yaaaaa
Haha, it's a donkey!
In the fields, the fields, the gray tractor rides to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Agogogogogogo gogogogo of ohohohohohohoooo
That's right, it's a horse!
In the fields, the fields blue tractor coming to us,
Someone's singing in his trailer.
Well, baby, come on, try to guess,
Who, who, who, who, who sings a song:
Hahahhahahahahhahaha hahahahhaha ha ha haaaaa
That's right, it's a goose!
Тут же от автора Синий трактор полностью слова У него в прицепе кто-то песенку поет.
Клип Синий трактор - Едет трактор на ютуб
Отзывы о песне Синий трактор - Едет трактор
Признаюсь честно, песня Едет трактор мне нравится . очень :)
Помню была песня со словами в припеве «Незнакомый мой», не помню только кто пел.
Ответ: Такое знать надо! ASAMMUELL - Незнакомый мой.
У Синий трактор просто невероятно крутой голос, а песню эту я как обожаю. И клип Едет трактор тоже красивый, отлично снят.
Какие же сильные эмоции вызывает трек Едет трактор. Этот клип вообще самый любимый. И голос, и музыка, про слова - вообще молчу.
Синий трактор Едет трактор
Тут же от автора Синий трактор полностью слова У него в прицепе кто-то песенку поет.
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