Слова песни баста будет свадьба
Обновлено: 29.01.2025
2. Под разливы деревенского оркестра
Увивался ветерок за фатой,
Был жених серьёзным очень, а невеста
Ослепительно была молодой.
И эта свадьба, свадьба, свадьба пела и плясала,
3. Вот промчались тройки звонко и крылато
И дыхание весны шло от них,
И шагал я совершенно неженатый,
И жалел о том, что я не жених.
And this wedding, the wedding, the wedding sang and danced,
And the wings of this wedding carried in the distance
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was not enough, and the earth!
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was not enough, and the earth!
2. Under the spill of the village orchestra
The wind blew away after the veil,
Was the groom very serious, and the bride
Dazzling was young.
And this wedding, the wedding, the wedding sang and danced,
And the wings of this wedding carried in the distance
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was small and the earth!
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was small and the earth!
3. Here are three trotters ringing and winged
And the breath of spring came from them,
And I walked completely unmarried,
And regretted that I was not the bridegroom.
And somewhere a wedding, a wedding, a wedding sang and danced,
And the wings carried this wedding into the distance,
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was small and the earth!
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was small and the earth!
There was little space for this wedding
And the sky was small and the earth!
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