Septem voices на краю текст песни

Обновлено: 18.09.2024

Вспомни, как не спали по ночам с тобою,
От закатов алых закипало море
Пульс терял все грани колдовства на камне,
Не исчезнут знаки, что связали, манят, наперёд все знают.

Если ливни шли стороною
Вспомни тени тех ли историй
Чтил ты, помнил
Небо короной, земли любовью, укроют тебя

Воздух станет горьким и пресным
Если вдруг и жить станет тесно
Не разозлишь но и нет того места
Где бы беда не застала тебя On the edge

I'm standing on the edge
Only in the soul I hold your dream
Having forgotten our flight
Down you are striving for grief,
Only the life of the shadow will wash away, forever at rest

Remember how you did not sleep at night with you,
From the sunsets of the scarlet sea began to boil
Pulse lost all facets of witchcraft on the stone,
Do not disappear signs that tied, beckon, in advance everyone knows

If the showers go by the side
Remember the shadows of those stories
I read you, remembered
The sky is the crown, the earth will cover you with love

The air will become bitter and insipid
If suddenly and live will become crowded
The pain does not kill, but there is no place,
Wherever trouble finds you

Trembling from morning to sunrise, everyone sung?
On the night of looking for your love traces
In the cracks, all the threads are all confused
Wait for the end and not wait for days or rapids
Three words to sighs

Remember how you did not sleep at night with you,
From the sunsets of the scarlet sea began to boil
Pulse lost all facets of witchcraft on the stone,
Do not disappear signs that tied, beckon, in front of everyone knows.

If the showers went side by side
Remember the shadows of those stories
I read you, remembered
The sky is crown, the earth is love, will hide you

The air will become bitter and insipid
If suddenly and live will become crowded
Do not be angry, but there is not that place
Wherever trouble finds you

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