Помню то лето помню руки трясло мои текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

нам не по пути, без твоих звонков телефон затих
еще любви, допили?, ну так давай повторим?

нет, боялась что сердечко налетит на риф
снова друг друга материм, да плевать, уходи

кричали "не возвращайся"
но стоп.. устали
сто раз прощаться и прощать всё

прикоснись ко мне, почувствуй этот огонь
прошу приснись мне, если желаешь сладких снов
хотя бы разочек, пока я не разучился помнить
хотя бы каждой ночью, пока чувства не сломаны
до конца, мы держимся на тонкой нити
до конца, не отпускай и не рви

Перевод песни

was loved by you, the smoke killed all that pain
We sit alone at night, between us there is no network
"do not call or write" whispers the heart in the chest
No, I asked, keep you inside no strength
sorry .. for not having justified these words
about love .. from thin threads do not knit
and threw you ..
We will never be loved each other again
I remember that summer, I remember my hands shaking my
patched the heart that was always broken inside
we are weightless, it's all become my dream
three words and we catch the cosmos, but desires
killed all the stars, carefree and simple
so cute, you're short, my beloved boy
I remember your eyes .. brown, brown
and white hair, but not dripping with drops
tear your tender cheeks
I miss you so much, I need more
you .. want to go back there again
where my mistakes made me lose
correct, become your ideal
as well as you mine, do not swallow this smoke
Do not write these songs, do not please your pain with others
without you I'm dying to understand
Forgive me for the space that I gave them all
Forgive the stars, they are forever yours
hundreds of times I fell from them erasing numbers and still rang
but there's only one answer to all, I do not want to talk, because this track without a mat
honestly stood at night under the door, because I was afraid to come to you
and from the pain when I saw you in a car with another disintegrated into atoms
the first half-year paradise, the second became hell
I screamed for you to burn, but you are cold even when you are near
south pole inside, the right train, go away
Only you are in the way, only you are just you

to us not on the way, without your calls the phone has calmed down
still love, finished? Well, so let's repeat?

no, I was afraid that the heart would fly into the reef
again each other mothers, but do not care, go away

shouting "do not come back"
but stop .. tired
a hundred times to say goodbye and forgive everything

touch me, feel this fire
Please dream to me if you want sweet dreams
at least once, until I forgot how to remember
at least every night, until the feelings are broken
to the end, we stick to the thin thread
to the end, do not let go and do not tear

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