Песня петя и волк текст

Обновлено: 15.01.2025

Выходит Петин дедушка. Он начинает ворчать на внука, предупреждая его о том, что в лесу ходит большой серый Волк, и, несмотря на заверения Пети о том, что пионеры не боятся волков, уводит его. Вскоре действительно появляется Волк. Кошка быстро залезает на дерево, а Утка выскакивает из пруда, но волк настигает её и проглатывает.

Петя с помощью верёвки перебирается через забор и оказывается на высоком дереве. Он просит птичку отвлечь волка, и, когда тот пытается её поймать, накидывает волку на хвост петлю. Волк пытается освободиться, но Петя привязывает другой конец верёвки к дереву, и петля затягивается на хвосте Волка ещё туже.

* Peter - stringed instruments (mostly violins), C-dur, free and open melody in the spirit of the pioneer march
* Birdie - flute in high register, G-dur, masterly passages
* Duck - oboe, Es-dur / As-dur, "quacking" melody in lower case
* Cat - clarinet, G-dur, the theme depicts the grace and soft tread of a cat
* Grandfather - bassoon, theme in h-moll, dotted rhythm in the lower and middle register, imitating grumbling
* Wolf - three horns, theme in g-moll
* Hunters - timpani and big drum (image shots), wind instruments (final march)
Early in the morning, Pioneer Petya goes out onto a large green lawn. On the high tree sits his familiar Birdie, who, noticing Petya, flies down. In the open gate, Duck sneaks in and heads for the pond to swim. She begins to argue with the bird about who is considered to be a real bird - a duck that does not fly, but swims, or a bird that does not know how to swim. They are watched by the Cat, ready to catch one of them, but the bird, warned by Petya, flies up to the tree, and the duck ends up in the pond, and the Cat is left with nothing.

Petin Grandpa is coming out. He begins to grumble at his grandson, warning him that a big gray Wolf is walking in the forest, and, despite Petya’s assurances that the pioneers are not afraid of wolves, he leads him away. Soon the Wolf really appears. The cat quickly climbs a tree, and the Duck jumps out of the pond, but the wolf catches it and swallows it.

Petya with the help of a rope gets over the fence and turns on a high tree. He asks the bird to distract the wolf, and when he tries to catch her, he throws the wolf on the tail of the loop. The wolf tries to free itself, but Petya ties the other end of the rope to a tree, and the loop is tightened on the tail of the Wolf even tighter.

Hunters come out of the forest, who have long watched the Wolf. Petya helps them to tie up the Wolf and take him to the zoo. The work ends with a general procession in which all its characters participate: Petya walks in front, the Hunters lead the Wolf behind him, the Birdie flies over them, and the grandfather with the cat continues to grumble behind them. Quiet quacking is heard: it gives a voice to the Duck sitting in the belly of the Wolf, which was in such a hurry that it swallowed it alive.

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