Ничего не бойся я с тобой песня текст

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Для разлук и расставаний
Тысячи причин
Ты звезду для своих желаний
В небе отыщи.

А ты не бойся, я с тобой
А ты руки моей коснись,
А поверь в мою любовь
Проснись, оглянись.
А ты не бойся, я с тобой
И до скончания веков
Я сохраню свою любовь к тебе
Моя любовь. Autumn, again knocking at the windows until dark
earth after rain melts slowly
maples send their letters to nowhere
sadly it will take you no harm

chorus :
and hey do not worry I'm with you
and you my hand touch the
rather believe in my love
wake up, look around
but do not worry I'm with you
until the end of time
I will keep my love
to you my love

In the sky I look, I try to catch the star
I will read the book a new love
Time will erase my memory between the lines
your heart is a gentle love island
Hey ! And do not worry , I'm with you
And you my hand Touch
Rather believe in my love
Wake up , look .
And do not worry , I'm with you
And until the end of time
I will keep my love for you
My love .

For separations and partings
thousands of reasons
You're the star to their desires
In the sky, look out .

And do not worry , I'm with you
And you my hand Touch
And believe in my love
Wake up , look .
And do not worry , I'm with you
And until the end of time
I will keep my love for you
My love .

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