Ни себе ни людям текст песни

Обновлено: 18.09.2024

Да, мой девиз ни людям ни себе
Никогда не поделю с кем-то свой вкусный обед
Нет я не отморозок отнюдь прости
Делаю как мозг считает нужным для моей души

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Все тексты EpOsS >>>

In the apartment dark, under the spoon of honey
Teddy bear is lying and dumb
He fell asleep to not get another
His mentality is more accurate he rotted

Yes, I'm a trees, I take all the places
I wonder look at your dull eyes
I do not do what you need, and what is given to me here
From me will not be brother or better bro

Turned off the light but I do not stay without
I go to the next courtyard and cutting the wires MNGNOVEN
For if I'm without light and you are sitting
No need to heal in this and so lonely world

Going from the store Effairs I'm all food
Homes are a lot of people they all will be frwding
Or worse invited very hungry guests
Not for them we hurried all these eight days

Yes, my motto neither people neither
Never be the subtle with someone your delicious lunch
No i'm not scumbered at all sorry
I do how the brain considers it necessary for my soul

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