Невыдуманная история песня текст денис сергеев

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

220a9, это может быть и выдуманная история,
Но такое может быть и по настоящему.
Я ничего не отрицаю девчонок,
Но девчонки должны быть на втором месте.

Мы с тобою, брат, лучшие друзья.
И вот мы собираемся с тобой,
Чтобы пойти погулять.
И вот такая шняга происходит, бл**ь,
Мне девчонка звонит и говорит:
"Приходи, ко мне домой".
Я забыл про тебя совсем
И пошел к ней - погулял,
У нее переспал с ней.
А за тебя совсем забыл.

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Все тексты Денис Сергеев >>>

220a9, it may be a fictional story ,
But it might be for real.
I do not deny girls
But the girls need to be in second place.

We are with you , brother , best friends .
And now we're going with you,
To go for a walk .
And such shnyaga happens bl ** s ,
I girl calls and says :
" Come home with me ."
I forgot about you at all
And went to her - walked ,
She slept with her .
And for you I forgot.

And a week later I 'm calling you ,
Tell the story and say:
"Sorry , bro " .
Forgive me , forgive me
And he said : "Let's go for a walk tomorrow ! "
But such shnyaga happens again ,
I 'm coming to you where the intended place
And then the girls go with couples hike .
In short , it tells me that he wants me
Popetlyat or even get married .
I bought her a flower, and she ,
She la *** me for brains .

Now , den, two months later
We had parted , parted bl ** s !
I 'm calling you , and you have horns -
You do not take the phone. But I thought ,
That you are offended . And call your mother .
Mom says : " He is not dead ! "
And crying , crying , crying !
Oh, what have I done ?
And come to the lads and the lads said to me ,
That Dan is no longer alive !
Beat him on that Saturday skinheads
He was taken to an ambulance !

He spoke and died , bl ** s !
And you asked for it , here it is transmitted.
And now, bro, I'm over your grave
I sit and cry , I stand , I give you flowers .
I scored on heifers , I'll find a skinhead !
And for you, bro, bro, my revenge .

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