Нет больше нас с тобою песня текст

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Не услышать больше голос твой
Ранним утром не встречать рассвет
Ни смеяться, ни грустить с тобой
Нас с тобою больше нет
Again the mountains see dreams
Tears will give me rain
I am in captivity in silence
You will not call me

It's impossible to tell
Who were you in my destiny
It hurts, the heart does not quench
I miss you
I miss you

Our happiness can not be turned back
And love can not be saved from troubles
Never I hug you
We are no more with you

Do not hear your voice anymore
Early in the morning not to meet the dawn
Neither laughing nor sad with you
We are no more with you

In the sky shouts of white flocks
I will be reminded of you
Only do not forget
Sometimes I have a dream
Sometimes I have a dream

Our happiness can not be turned back
And love can not be saved from troubles
Never I hug you
We are no more with you

Do not hear your voice anymore
Early in the morning not to meet the dawn
Neither laughing nor sad with you
We are no more with you

Our happiness can not be turned back
And love can not be saved from troubles
Never I hug you
We are no more with you

Do not hear your voice anymore
Early in the morning not to meet the dawn
Neither laughing nor sad with you
We are no more with you

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