Небесные розы johnny текст песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

I used a lot of idioms, just so you know, none of them has their first meaning!
And in addition, I helped the guy who did the other translation but couldn't get my foot in the door, hence, I made another myself!
Please drop a "Thanks" if you liked the translation!

And please don't use my translations without my permit!

Небесные розы (Nebesnyye rozy) Переводы "Небесные розы . " Английский Guest Коллекции с "Небесные розы" JONY: Топ 3 Комментарии пт, 18/09/2020 - 21:50 вт, 22/09/2020 - 17:28

I'd say a few ways or saying sound a bit unusual to me, but I'm French so my gut feelings about English are to be taken with a grain of salt.
I'll just point them to you and suggest variants, but these are mere suggestions

everywhere is as cold as ice -> it's cold all around / the cold is everywhere

carrying me off -> rather "away" than "off"

I really want to say that you're mine -> "that" is a bit heavy, and I'd rather say "I'd like so much to. ".
"I want to say" is rather used when you actually think the contrary ("I want to say I like this show, but I really don't")

from saying this -> rather "it" than "this"

honeybunch -> sounds rather familiar, a bit out of tune with the rest. What about my sweet / dear / honey.

But I can how you look at me and it's carrying me off -> you skipped "see"' for some reason

Ты правила моими чувствами -> I'd rahter think of "you used to rule/reign over my feelings"

я поплыл -> maybe "swam clear (of trouble)" or "swam away"?

As I always do forget -> I'd rather not repeat the verb. "as I always do" is just fine

a lot of bunk -> again that may be a bit familiar, though ерунда is not very literary either. "nothing else matters whatsoever" or something?

вт, 22/09/2020 - 17:35

Hi! Thanks for the comment! Let me explain:

"Frost" already means: "Very cold" so, "As cold as ice" seemed reasonable.

Don't mind them details such as "That"
I translated this semantically, just read it as if you don't know anything about Russian language,
I know what you say basically means: "Что ты моя." I just decorated this a little.

"As I always do forget" = Well, just to emphasize.

"But I can how you look at me" = The reason was probably my stupid typo issues! Fixing it now!

"From saying this" = этого = This, aight but just to emphasize again.

"я поплыл" = That's what I thought, just didn't want to change it to something I'm not sure of

"Honeybunch" = Just my perspective, didn't wanna say "Dear, darling" they're all so boring!

"Carrying me off" = Is an idiom and has the same meaning, "Off" is the right usage here because they all mean the same and in addition, this' an idiom, meaning "Taking me away" but intangible

"Ты правила моими чувствами" = Also my choice of words

All in all, thanks!

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