Мы больше не волки текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Вы легли на живот и убрали клыки.
Даже тот, даже тот, кто нырял под флажки,
Чуял волчие ямы подушками лап;
Тот, кого даже пуля догнать не могла б,-
Тоже в страхе взопрел и прилег - и ослаб.

Чтобы жизнь улыбалась волкам - не слыхал,-
Зря мы любим ее, однолюбы.
Вот у смерти - красивый широкий оскал
И здоровые, крепкие зубы.

Мы ползли, по-собачьи хвосты подобрав,
К небесам удивленные морды задрав:
Либо с неба возмездье на нас пролилось,
Либо света конец - и в мозгах перекос,-
Только били нас в рост из железных стрекоз.

. Я живу, но теперь окружают меня
Звери, волчих не знавшие кличей,-
Это псы, отдаленная наша родня,
Мы их раньше считали добычей.

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Все тексты Владимир Высоцкий >>>

Like razor dawn slashed across his eyes,
Opened the triggers, like a magic til
There were arrows of the devil is easy -
And dragonfly flew to foul rivers,
And the fun has gone - in two arms, two hands!

You lay down on his stomach and removed the fangs.
Even that, even those who dived under the flags,
Sensed pitfalls paw pads;
The one catch even a bullet could not b -
Too afraid vzoprel and lay - and relax.

For life smiling wolves - I never heard -
In vain we love it, Monogamous.
Here at the death - a beautiful wide grin
And healthy, strong teeth.

Smile wolfish grin as the enemy -
The dogs have not lathered withers!
But - on the tattooed blood snow
Our painting: we are no longer wolves!

We crawled like a dog tails tucked,
For heaven surprised muzzle cocked:
Either heaven retribution on us shed,
Either end of the world - and in the minds of bias -
Just beat us to the growth of the iron dragonflies.

Blood soaked we lead under the rain -
And humbled, thinking: would not go away!
Abdomen hot melted snow.
This massacre has started is not God - man:
Fly away - in flight, fleeing - in running .

A pack of dogs, you're with a bunch of my not vyazhis,
Similarly, broil - us luck.
Wolves, we - our good wolf life
You are a dog - and the death of you dog!

Smile wolfish grin as the enemy,
In order to nip in the bud rumors.
But - on the tattooed blood snow
Our painting: we are no longer wolves!

To the forest - there is at least a few of you'll save!
By the woods, wolves, - harder to kill on the run!
Entrainment of the legs, save puppies!
I am moving around in front of half-drunk shooters
And I call together the lost souls of wolves.

Those who are still alive, hiding on the other side.
What can I alone? I can not!
Denied his eyes were dim sense .
Where are you, the wolves, the former beasts of the forest,
Where are you, yellow-eyed my family ?!

. I live, but now surround me
Animals, not knowing the wolf cry -
This dogs, our distant relatives,
We used to think their prey.

I smile wolfish grin enemy
I expose the rotten pieces.
But - on the tattooed blood snow
Our painting: we are no longer wolves!

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