Люби меня люби отпетые мошенники текст песни

Обновлено: 18.09.2024

N. M. Sh.

Добавлено N. M. Sh. в ср, 04/09/2019 - 10:51

N. M. Sh.

В последний раз исправлено N. M. Sh. в сб, 14/12/2019 - 06:19 Комментарий:

Скоро много нам воды натекло!
= (close to literal)
It's meltwater everywhere again!
= (or)
All the ice/snow turns/melts to water again!

This phrase could also have an (un)intended reference to the idiom "много/немало воды утекло" = "a lot of/too much time has passed" = "water under the bridge".

Скоро печаль, скоро печаль,
Всё уйдёт и нам немного жаль,
= (close to literal)
And sadness will follow, and sadness will follow,
And all shall pass, and [we'll feel bad]/[we'll have regrets],

"нам немного жаль" here could mean anything from "we won't forget" to "we'll miss what we (once) had" to "we'll feel bad" to "we'll have regrets".
I chose "we won't forget" because it is the more cheerful of the options (in line with the mood of the song); for the same reason I chose "heartache" over "sadness" in the first line.

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