Кто она текст песни docker

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Она будто солнце светит,
А глаза как звезды в небе
И она в любовь не верит.
Кто она?

Снова она, снова вижу, снова это чувство,
Словно пришла, словно свыше, словно ей все чуждо,
Каменный взгляд, словно мир для нее не существует,
Видеть меня рядом с собой конечно несущий будет, для нее.

Кто она такая, что поработила мою голову,
Довольно мимолетно в близь,
Да я понимаю, что мы противоположны,
Но это не дает нам быть вместе.

И вроде нормально мы по разговорам обменялись номерами
И как то покатилось все, звонки, разговоры ночами,
Я было подумал ошибался, она не кукла, что бежит за деньгами,
Но уже который час я жду ее в кафе с цветами.
И знаю, она не придет.

Припев: (2 раза)
Она будто солнце светит,
А глаза как звезды в небе
И она в любовь не верит.
Кто она?

Кто она? Кто она.
Кто она? Кто она? Кто она?

Припев: (2 раза)
Она будто солнце светит,
А глаза как звезды в небе
И она в любовь не верит.
Кто она?

Кто она? Кто она.
Кто она? Кто она? Кто она? Chorus:
It is as if the sun is shining,
And his eyes as the stars in the sky
And she does not believe in love .
Who is she?

Again she again see over this feeling,
Like come, as if from above, as if she were all alien,
Stone look, as if the world does not exist for her,
Seeing me next to a course carrying the will for it.

Who is she that enslaved my head,
Pretty fleetingly in the area,
Yes, I understand that we are opposed to,
But it does not allow us to be together .

I firmly intend, it will only mine!
Let not put you Nemer not show hundreds seas
But she will be happy, I promise it safely!
It will be a part of me, and we will become one.

And like normal conversations we exchanged numbers
And it rolled all calls, calls at night,
I thought it was wrong, she is not a doll, which runs for the money,
But what hour I'm waiting for her in a cafe with flowers .
And I know it will not come .

Chorus: (2 times)
It is as if the sun is shining,
And his eyes as the stars in the sky
And she does not believe in love .
Who is she?

Who is she? Who is she.
Who is she? Who is she? Who is she?

You're waiting for it, but then he will understand at times,
The flow of these feelings ruin your mind,
The roof is going to sadness, so be it again.
You flooded the sadness, it is in essence phrases
I'll grant you right now, just
Wondered who the hell is she!
Yes you will not believe it out, weaving, green,
Goals scored it not up to you to her,
Now, do you think that you will not lose,
In fact, it affects her body,
Momentum is your tap,
Do not give her access to chop your heart,
The lights went on terrible.
Time vyveet it to everyone, but not everyone can read in danger.

The secret is disclosed, but you go and try to love her,
Who is she? What enslave your head
Pretty fleeting beat her,
All grind and heal their wounds, wild ice
It is a sticky honey and ruined your sense, throw out, to hell with it!
And hack to death on your nose, I do not need it, you're my husband,
Who will keep up for dinner, you will not,
You do not even and with worthlessness,
And you fall on all the praise and I know for sure .

Chorus: (2 times)
It is as if the sun is shining,
And his eyes as the stars in the sky
And she does not believe in love .
Who is she?

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