Каждый сам за себя текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

А тот, о ком я думать
Сегодня не должна,
Меня опять лишает сна.
Пора расстаться с прошлым,
И не моя вина,
Что прежним сделкам грош цена
И я расторгнуть их должна.

From the words it hurts him,
And everything is more difficult for me
They are justified to find.
And I no longer know
On whose I side;
It seems that we are not on the way
But where to take the forces to leave!

In the world that is covered by the game,
You are not illusions of illusions:
In life - everyone for himself!
It is better to stay alone
And go dear other
If everyone for himself!

And the one about whom I think
Today should not
I again deprives sleep.
It's time to part with the past,
And not my wines,
What's the former barrel transactions Price
And I should terminate them.

It is better not to believe dreams,
What then pay on accounts!
In life - everyone for himself!
Better be ready to fight
And do not trust fate
In life - everyone for himself!

To do without loss,
Friendly advice do not believe
In life - everyone for himself!
In the world that is covered by the game,
You are not illusions of illusions:
In life - everyone for himself!

(And the former links of the threads of the thread)
Former ties of the threads,
MiG of your good luck catch!
In life - everyone for himself!

(If happy - know)
If you are happy - know in advance,
What and this will also pass
In life - everyone for himself!

(And flawlessly honest you do not)
Honest to the end you do not be
And do not give yourself to fool.
In life - everyone for himself!

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