Иу гон флад текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

[Куплет 1, Illumate]:
Верю только тем, кто со мной в момент:
Когда боль и тлен, когда рой проблем
Когда голос нем словно Бога нет
Всей душой на дне, го любовь сильней

И сейчас я с теми, кто в обратную
Любит, пусть этого совсем не произносит
Люди, видели бы если мою ауру
То думали, что выжила та в автокатастрофе

[Куплет 2, GONE.Fludd]:
Насмешку в сердце плюнув, потушил искру
Теперь курю тепло – касание её губ
Становится меня темней вокруг
Люди врут, это не круто, да я сам – плут

Джоинт, возвращаясь снова, описал круг
А значит, думать о плохом буду лишь завтра
Но это если только кончится вся травка
Поправка: не кончится, ведь мне нужна добавка

И я утопаю в пороках и похоти
Слишком на многое стало вдруг по*уй теперь
Вот бы стало немного теплей
Вокруг толпы теней

Those MCs, in their songs,
What is foldable piz * yat - I'm like: yu!
Those girls what a style
Ready to ride huh . ah!

Those friends behind my back
Whose mouth is only dirt - yiwu!
That family will come out for money,
What's only for communication - yiwu!

Those MCs, in their songs,
What a foldable piz * yat - yu!
Those girls what a style
Ready to ride .

[Verse 1, Illumate]:
I only believe in those who are with me at the moment:
When pain and decay, when a swarm of problems
When the voice is dumb as if there is no God
With all my soul at the bottom, th love is stronger

And now I'm with those who are in reverse
He loves, even if he doesn't say it at all
People would see if my aura
They thought that she survived in a car accident

After all, so many drove-asshole
They are all one to one
On the serpentine of life
I'm with them - no, no, yi!

[Chorus, Illumate]:
Yiwu! Those friends behind my back
From whose mouth there is only dirt - I am like: yuh!
That family will come out for money,
What's just a connection, I'm like this: yiwu!

Those MCs, in their songs,
What is foldable piz * yat - I'm like: yu!
Those girls what a style
Ready to ride huh . ah!

Those friends behind my back
Whose mouth is only dirt - yiwu!
That family will come out for money,
What's only for communication - yiwu!

Those MCs, in their songs,
What a foldable piz * yat - yu!
Those girls what a style
Ready to ride .

[Verse 2, GONE.Fludd]:
Spitting mockery in my heart, put out the spark
Now I smoke warm - the touch of her lips
It's getting darker around me
People lie, it's not cool, but I myself am a cheat

Joint, returning again, made a circle
So, I will think about the bad only tomorrow.
But that's if only all the weed ends
Correction: won't end because I need a supplement

And I'm drowning in vices and lust
Too much has suddenly become * uh now
That would be a little warmer
Around the crowd of shadows

I hate all these people!
Now I don't feel her hands in mine
Love is my knife: I dig in myself
And, in order to touch the quick, I pick harder .

[Chorus, Illumate]:
Yiwu! Those friends behind my back
From whose mouth there is only dirt - I am like: yuh!
That family will come out for money,
What's just a connection, I'm like this: yiwu!

Those MCs, in their songs,
What is foldable piz * yat - I'm like: yu!
Those girls what a style
Ready to ride huh . ah!

Those friends behind my back
Whose mouth is only dirt - yiwu!
That family will come out for money,
What's only for communication - yiwu!

Those MCs, in their songs,
What a foldable piz * yat - yu!
Those girls what a style
Ready to ride .

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