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Обновлено: 19.09.2024

наши сердца с тобой бьються с одним ритмом
хочу что бs глазах твоих слёз небыло видно
послушай мама,давай улыбнёмся
улыбка так тепла она затмит солнце
ты не печалься,всё будет классно
выйдет солнце изза туч и станет ясно

послушай мама давай улыбнёмся
и в светлую даль с тобой унесёмся
буду с тобой всегда,хранить твою улыбку
я люблю тебя,прости за ошибки

2раза we pishim songs about girls, about feelings, about life . but at this time we do not forget about the most expensive
our man, and this song is just about it . just heartily mc soul 2011

Word mom in the world there is no dearer
It warms up the heat in the difficult moments

Sure, each of us, this heat values
you pronounce love, and her voice is trembling

it is not just a word, we can say the magic
You often speak warmly and you will in return

another advice you hear it
do not rush to flee for life spotyknёshsya

and only her hand is always ready to lift
warm caress, even to the neck

you do not hold grudges, because it can not
mother's heart loves, anxious bёtsya

She said the law, to eighteen years
Then all the adults, but children will be mother

Dari heat it, cherish it
the only person he is with you forever

Look Mom, come ulybnёmsya
smile so warm it will eclipse the sun
you do not worry, everything will be cool
the sun comes out because of the clouds, and it will become clear

Look mom let ulybnёmsya
and in the distance the light with you unesёmsya
I will be with you always keep your smile
I love you, I'm sorry for mistakes

I write so many songs of different nights on the span
often making it difficult to sleep, hoping the dream will come

and here I still decided to dedicate a song to you
because we are living with you will always be together

I remember my childhood, I have interfered in his behalf for
and in difficult moments, always remained close

I know I rarely say that I love
but you believe that most of you, I cherish

I walk in the svoym, but I can hear you
Your opinion of me is always higher

I never thought that my son would be so, so
for it is only to you, thank you mom

again in the life of the white band is distinguished
life is cruel, and only survive together

our hearts are with you are beaten with a rhythm
bs that I want your eyes tears nebylo seen
for n
Look Mom, come ulybnёmsya
smile so warm it will eclipse the sun
you do not worry, everything will be cool
the sun comes out because of the clouds, and it will become clear

Look mom let ulybnёmsya
and in the distance the light with you unesёmsya
I will be with you always keep your smile
I love you, I'm sorry for mistakes

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