Ау дельтаплан текст песни
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
I want to buy myself
A d
Three-engine hang glider,
To fly faster than a fly
A d
To the supermarket!
I need nothing,
A D (Hm)
Just a hang glider.
I need nothing,
A d
Just a hang glider!
I want to buy myself
Three-engine dump truck,
To landfill
Thoughts that I gathered!
I need nothing,
Just a dump truck. (Oooh!)
I need nothing,
Just a dump truck!
I want to buy myself
Three-story skyscraper,
To drink on my roof
When it comes to your head!
I need nothing,
Just a skyscraper. (Oooh!)
I need nothing,
Just a skyscraper!
I want to buy myself
Three turbine vacuum cleaner,
Suck yourself out of a member,
So that he does not bring offspring!
I need nothing,
Just a vacuum cleaner. (Oooh!)
I need nothing,
Just a vacuum cleaner!
I want to sell from home,
What's in my apartment.
And let them evict, to hell,
Like a rotten nightingale!
I need nothing,
I want to sell everything! (Oooh!)
I need nothing,
Let them be evicted!
G A D Hm
I don’t have anything yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes yes yes yes
. yes-ah . Let them be evicted!
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