Юрий буданов текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Юрий Буданов – русский орёл.
Я бы в разведку с тобою пошёл,
Знаю, и ты не отдал бы меня
На поругание злого зверья.

Пришлый народец, пронырливый сброд
Напропалую нас всех продаёт
В дикое рабство, а горных волков
Прячет от смерти от русских штыков.

Юрий Буданов, русский герой,
Русь ещё будет НАШЕЙ страной,
Сильная духом вольная рать
Сбросит с престола преподлую знать.

Всем, кто не предал родину-маму
Вместе с тобою, Юрий Буданов.

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Все тексты Александр Харчиков >>>

Yuri Budanov - Russian soldiers.
Yuri Budanov - the soul of my brother .
Bullet stabbed young viper ,
You did wrong , bro .

Yuri Budanov - Russian eagle .
I would explore with you gone ,
I know, and you would not give me
To mock evil beasts .

Yuri Budanov - tanker commander .
How are you, my brother, survived ?
Pack of enemies invading a country
Our honor , glory , drives to the prison.

Alien narodec , nosy rabble
Recklessly sells us all
In wild slavery and mountain wolves
Hides from death by Russian bayonets.

Yuri Budanov , a colonel , a fighter
We are still alive and we do not end
God will not give us , will not eat and the Bandit ,
In the battle with Russia kagalom win!

Yuri Budanov , Russian hero
Russia will still be in our country ,
Strong spirit freestyle Men
Throw off the throne prepodluyu know.

Yuri Budanov - our officer!
Sam you set yourself up as an example to us
Our children , all you have :
Fidelity oath , valor and honor!

Yuri Budanov - glorious soldier !
You called me today brother,
Fighting with you friends,
Honest and share my song !

Anyone who betrayed their homeland - mother
Together with you, Yuri Budanov .

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