Вьюн над водой текст песни свято елизаветинского монастыря

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Вьюн над водой, ой вьюн да над водой
Ой, вьюн да над водой расстилается
Ой, вьюн да над водой расстилается
Дева у окна, ой дева у скита
Ой, дева во скиту постригается
Ой, дева во скиту постригается Eel over the water, oh yes eel over water
Oh, yes loach is spread over the water
Oh, yes loach is spread over the water
Maid at the window, oh virgin window
Oh, by the window waiting for virgin
Oh, by the window waiting for virgin

Rides on horseback, riding on a horse th
Oh, the light goes on horseback - Yegorushka
Oh, the light goes on horseback - Yegorushka
This is not my, oh it's not my
Oh, it's not mine, it is your sister
Oh, it's not mine, it is your sister

Her name, her name was th
Oh, called her dances to drive
Oh, called her dances to drive
This is not my, oh it's not my
Oh, it's not mine, then yours podruzhenka
Oh, it's not mine, then yours podruzhenka

They took it for, oh endured for her
Oh, carried to her chest with velvet
Oh, carried to her chest with velvet
This is not my, oh it's not my
Oh, it's not mine, it's brother MOEHE
Oh, it's not mine, it's brother MOEHE

They took it for, oh endured for her
Oh, carried it to the hood with the mantle
Oh, carried it to the hood with the mantle
This is my, oh this is my
Oh, this is my God narrowing
Oh, this is my God narrowing

Eel over the water, oh yes eel over water
Oh, yes loach is spread over the water
Oh, yes loach is spread over the water
Maid at the window, oh maiden at the monastery
Oh, virgin monastery haircut
Oh, virgin monastery haircut

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