Текст песни я тебя любя искусаю в кровь

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

..тебя любя искусаю в кровь
Никаких следов на утро не отыщешь
Я убью тебя вот и вся любовь
Берегись ищу ищу глазами хищными You take pictures of me, you fiksiruesh
My lips and eyes of life vyrezhesh
Who do you you test someone in control
What do you plan after himself not stand

I almost broken thee enchanted
Thee same uninhibited - beware of me!

I love you bite into the blood
No trace in the morning you will not find
I'll kill you here and all the love
Beware of predatory eyes Looking To

..tebya loving bite into the blood
No trace in the morning you will not find
I'll kill you here and all the love
Beware of predatory eyes Looking To

And you prodyusiruesh me trassiruesh
Filming dream if Tarantino
FM-broadcasting planning flirt
You draw love - I'm your picture

I almost broken thee enchanted
Thee same uninhibited - beware of me!

I love you bite into the blood
No trace in the morning you will not find
I'll kill you here and all the love
Beware of predatory eyes Looking To

..tebya loving bite into the blood
No trace in the morning you will not find
I'll kill you here and all the love
Beware of predatory eyes Looking To

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