Текст песни я не урод

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Тем временем я намутил себе суку
С целью развеять скуку, душевную муку
Мы блядь, сидели за столиком, я поил её джин-тоником
Она мне сказала, что её зовут Моника
Хоть Клава чего теряться, хочу признаться
Я рассчитывал сегодня неглупо поебаться
После танца она меня покинула
Я понял - эта сука меня кинула
Она не знала о моём стиле
Теперь я в курсе сколько у неё извилин
Размазанных по полу и по куску стены
Пойми, мне всё до пизды

Законы просты
Нам всё до пизды
С неба не хватаем звезд мы
Нам всё до пизды

Законы просты
Нам всё до пизды
С неба не хватаем звезд мы
Нам всё до пизды

Законы Просты,
Нам всё до пизды
С неба.

Бля, говорю тебе я
Не стоит ни хуя
Тягаться с ядовитым спайдером
Имя Тарантул - рождён быть аутсайдером

Имя Озяб - хладнокровный головорез
Имею в руках двуствольный обрез
Наперевес и полтергейст
Рабочих районов, кварталов и улиц я бес

В моей кабуре ТТ
Мразь, я заявляю тебе
Не сносить головы, обращайся на вы
Тарантул, Озяб - Юго-Запад Москвы

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Все тексты бонч бру бон >>>

I'm not a freak , freak! Ebis it in her mouth
Each year I'm getting old for a year
Anyone who does not understand me
Has every chance of a zinc coffin
It's not hip-hop, this hail of lead in forehead
Hey , the cops , we instead suchih . bitch!
Come on, Come on, what do we have here ?
Let's see
Little brain on the pavement
I'm Kumar, strumming a guitar
As curry sauce oozing blood from the creature
Do you hear me , lad , I was a tarantula in a pair
Hey , I like you? Yes, today I am in the mood
I - I - I - I -ay killed a cop , e !
I - I - I - I -ay killed scum
How Mazda broke me your Cop VAZ
How many times have I kept a ganja in the toilet
Tell me how many times? uh -uh
Hey , you, you know who we are?
Bastards without any signs of head
We were all up pussy
We henchmen bedlam , we declare right
Die , cops , yes . the laws of simple

laws are simple
We were all up pussy
From the sky , we do not have enough stars
We were all up pussy

laws are simple
We were all up pussy
From the sky , we do not have enough stars
We were all up pussy

I remember once a corpse, another cube
Decided to be undermined in the club . another zarub
Pathetic place . frankly
Mecca for the bastards of our test . and .
Night Fiesta, a little strip tease
Erotica , hard drugs
Clay & quot; Moment & quot; if suddenly wanted exotics
Yo! And sales aunties .
I turned up under the arm centerline dragella
Most competent huckster of Lumumba Ebony
Unleashing some pathetic I took synthetics
Went to the bar - I saw that in bar queers
Sucked brow , I thought how cute
I was sweating , I was hooked
Fucking fucked your mother
Fag next to me did not stand
I prefer solitude .
Bem - Bem
Thanks for society

Meanwhile I namutil yourself bitch
In order to dispel boredom , mental flour
Damn we sat at the table , I was watering her gin and tonic
She told me that her name is Monica
Though Claudia then lost , I want to confess
I counted today sensible thing poebatsya
After the dance, she left me
I realized - this bitch threw me
She did not know about my style
Now I know how she crinkles
Smeared on the floor and a piece of the wall
Understand , I do not to pussy

laws are simple
We were all up pussy
From the sky , we do not have enough stars
We were all up pussy

laws are simple
We were all up pussy
From the sky , we do not have enough stars
We were all up pussy

The law is simple ,
We were all up pussy
From the sky .

Shit, I 'm telling you
Not worth a dick
Compete with a poisonous spider
Name Tarantula - born to be an outsider

Name was cold - cold-blooded thug
I have a double-barreled sawn-off shotgun in his hands
Blazing and poltergeist
Working-class districts , neighborhoods and streets I'm the devil

In my TT Cabourg
Scum , I declare to you
Not to demolish the head is drawn to you
Tarantula was cold - Southwest Moscow

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