Текст песни вспоминай меня ночью

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Вспоминай меня ночью,
Не поцелую на прощание точно.
Время вернуть назад, я знаю ты хочешь,
А я уйду и не вернусь,
Но вспоминай, но вспоминай меня ночью.
Оу.. вспоминай меня ночью,
Е.. вспоминай меня ночью.
Любовь неусваеваема давно мною
Но все грехи я посланием этим дай бог смою.

Привет. По факту нет догадок, что я поэт и читаю,
Был когда то я богат, шло время теперь нищета.
И лишь костюм дорогой мне напоминает о прошлых победах,
Понять сложно наверно, но ты будешь брошена в ветру.
Ты не слышишь этого. Мне битва, ангелы, демоны.
Если б я с тобой поделился всеми жалкими темами.
Я уверен, никакого секса, мы б щас одевались.
Лишь одно с тобою свяжет, дикий пляс на диване.
Это всё ещё мои мысли,
На теле у нас соблазн.
На деле тебя хочу,
Не отрываю я глаз от глаз.
И затаив дыханье,
Вина ещё накатив,
Я намекну тебе родная:
Ты завтра счёт оплати.
И я вижу по глазам,
Что свои фишки показав,
Я опоял тебя
И ты уже не двинишь погазам.
Суровую реальность пусть ты примешь запоздало,
Но прошу, прости, не обижайся, финиш это завтра.

Вспоминай меня ночью,
Не поцелую на прощание точно.
Время вернуть назад, я знаю ты хочешь,
А я уйду и не вернусь,
Но вспоминай, но вспоминай меня ночью.
Оу.. вспоминай меня ночью,
Е.. вспоминай меня ночью.
Любовь неусваеваема давно мною
Но все грехи я посланием этим дай бог смою.

Вспоминай меня ночью,
Не поцелую на прощание точно.
Время вернуть назад, я знаю ты хочешь,
А я уйду и не вернусь,
Но вспоминай, но вспоминай меня ночью.
Оу.. вспоминай меня ночью,
Е.. вспоминай меня ночью.
Любовь неусваеваема давно мною
Но все грехи я посланием этим дай бог смою. [1 verse]

Before me lies beautiful and tender
I take a picture of her as a keepsake ..
There will be a slide show.
And we rape each other furiously,
She might love me
But she doesn’t know that ..
I won’t remember her .. Cheeky and rude
We will deal with it with what you call love.
She alone wake up in this bedroom in the morning,
After all, an unhealing pain will not let me be with her ..
Our words are not worth the sound
I won’t spend a dollar on you.
Call me frivolous bitch
My album is dog cold.
I'm actually a shadow
Didn’t touch anyone, but later
15:40 is not the time
And their number per day.
Tempered in battles
And only I remained
But the poor man
Where is my lam?
And my clearing?
Not afraid, begged
Under the piano of an orya
But in a freebie flask they gave me poison .
I won’t fall under these pseudo-idols,
They read about how everyone smoked them,
Since childhood, I drew plans to be an artist,
Now I'm a fucking genius as an autist or savant.
You will never be like me again, Patzik, [ohh]
All men are enemies to me, they need only to catch up. [Ohh]
They love the ladies' vaginas on the tracks, [ohh]
And they take powders from daddies for paints.
Yeah .. this is life, fuck happiness!
Applaud me or shake.
She does not know me, lies before me.
Sweetheart fall asleep, because I'm with you and alive.

Remember me at night,
I will not kiss goodbye for sure.
Time to bring it back, I know you want
And I will leave and not return
But remember, but remember me at night.
Oh .. remember me at night
E .. remember me at night.
Love has not been assimilated by me for a long time
But God forbid, I will wash away all sins with this message.

Hey. In fact, there is no speculation that I am a poet and read,
I was once rich, time passed now poverty.
And only the costume dear reminds me of past victories,
It’s hard to understand, but you’ll be thrown in the wind.
You do not hear this. I have a battle, angels, demons.
If I shared with you all the pathetic topics.
I’m sure there’s no sex, we would dress right now.
Only one will connect with you, a wild dance on the couch.
These are still my thoughts
On the body we are tempted.
In fact, I want you
I do not take my eyes from my eyes.
And holding my breath
Wines are still rolling
I will hint to you dear:
You pay the bill tomorrow.
And I see through the eyes
With your chips showing
I washed you
And you will no longer move the doorway.
Harsh reality let you accept belatedly
But please, I'm sorry, do not be offended, the finish is tomorrow.

Remember me at night,
I will not kiss goodbye for sure.
Time to bring it back, I know you want
And I will leave and not return
But remember, but remember me at night.
Oh .. remember me at night
E .. remember me at night.
Love has not been assimilated by me for a long time
But God forbid, I will wash away all sins with this message.

My friends will tell you: "yeah, Dinah gives,
But he will not remember, alas, never your name.
Relax lady in your head drove a lie,
"Alas, don’t watch movies together in the evenings with him."
Now you groan while standing
I hope you don’t remember who I am.
Guys like me
In fact, they’re not worth anything.
My lines are missing
As if softness and tenderness,
But these bitches from clubs
It smells like a whore from the perineum.
Well did you notice
You will not find me warm.
I am the most fucking and vulgar type on the planet, yes!
These are demons in my head, you sleep
And do not hear a word.
If I heard I said:
"The boy blew you the roof."
It was cool, we are naked.
"Zaya sleep on me,
Do you think I'm the only one?
Sorry, but no.
Forget it, forget it. Me to you
Filed no more
But I wrote you a song that you
You will never hear. "

Remember me at night,
I will not kiss goodbye for sure.
Time to bring it back, I know you want
And I will leave and not return
But remember, but remember me at night.
Oh .. remember me at night
E .. remember me at night.
Love has not been assimilated by me for a long time
But God forbid, I will wash away all sins with this message.

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