Текст песни вертиго billy milligan

Обновлено: 06.03.2025

[Куплет 1]:
В этом еб*аном мире - музыка то, что спасает от смерти.
Сердце способно почувствовать то, что глаза не заметят.
Каждый день новый шрам на теле. Еще чуть-чуть и деревянный фрак неденем.
Вокруг друзья, но верить нельзя им. Каждый по факту тут враг на деле.
От падения не застрахован никто вниз на бетон.
Фатум всегда забирает течением обратно, если был быстрый приток.
Деньги по венам несут кислород, анатомия там бессильна.
И мы выбираем из уймы дорог ту, что всегда бесила.
Большой город - большой крематорий, тут места хватит на всех.
Жизнь стреляет в тебя, как в мишень наяву будто ранен во сне.
Серый гранит, радуга урбана. Вся мораль твоя - раз, и убрана.
Совесть чиста лишь на первый взгляд, на повек уже грязи груда там.

Everyone dreamed of something else, but buried their desires.
Time pickles us in blood and tears eating raw.
Our fates - Bigfort cord; the result is determined, known.
So - go ahead and with the song.
Chorus [x2]:
The devil is playing with us. The stakes are long on the edge
And the earth is floating underfoot.
God is busy with others, imposed rules
And we dutifully kill ourselves.
[Verse 2]:
Welcome to the real world, epta, simsilabim!
He pretended to spare you, but then quietly finished off.
Hope does not inject morphine; she cannot do without it herself.
Hopelessness will turn even the most living without emotions into a dead man!
Time to collect stones, the boomerang of karma flies back to you.
Unquestioning obedience is the case of traces of vertigo in the eyes.
Fucking rules, fucking games won't fix either * I'm not Alaska here, nor Crimea.
This is a fucking coven, not a solemn reception!
Look around you and you will see the sparkle and bonfires!

I’m in a strange monastery with my charter. It was a bitch, but it became a golem.
Nothing new. Naturally. Misfortunes always flocked on others.
Castaneda was right - all this journey in [X].
On the way of a warrior, only suffering can serve as a quick suppression, e!
This is my cross, but if I knew in advance - I would not have climbed here.
Someone has long planned this extremely successful revenge.
Our fates - Bigfort cord. The result - determined, known!
So - go ahead and with the song.
Chorus [x4]:
The devil is playing with us. The stakes are long on the edge
And the earth is floating underfoot.
God is busy with others, imposed rules
And we dutifully kill ourselves.

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