Текст песни ваши пальцы пахнут ладаном

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

St. Sol

Добавлено St. Sol в чт, 13/07/2017 - 13:54


перевод на Английский Английский

Your Cold Fingers Smell of Incense Burn

Your cold fingers smell of incense burn,

And your eyelashes hide grief.

There is nothing now we1need or yearn,

Pity no one now, in brief.

And when you leave as Spring Messenger

For the land of cold blue ice,

Lord Himself on steep white stairway

Shall lead you to Paradise.

The old deacon whispers quietly,

Bows in reverence to God,

And with his sparse beard tirelessly

Sweeps the dust with every nod.

Your cold fingers smell of incense burn,

And your eyelashes hide grief.

There is nothing now we1need or yearn,

Pity no one now, in brief.

© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
I realize that pressing "Thanks"
is really hard for most of you, yet
you should keep on trying.

St. Sol

Добавлено St. Sol в чт, 20/07/2017 - 22:55

St. Sol

В последний раз исправлено St. Sol в сб, 13/10/2018 - 12:26


[ER-p] Equirhythmic poetic translation for singing along.
The running meter:
[ --^ -^ -^-- ]
[ --^ -^ -^ ]

Alexander Vertinsky: Топ 3


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