Текст песни уннв вокруг

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

УННВ вокруг УННВ,здесь убиты все.
УННВ вокруг УННВ,стафф из первых рук,е.
УННВ вокруг УННВ,навсегда в голове.
Пусть кого мы знаем,живут всегда в мире,е.

Решил кинуть спонт - галимый разгон.
По горлу савком,детвора засыпет песком.
Здесь малина,всё красиво,окружает магазины.
Синева воюет за бутылку,а мы забиваем пипку.
На лице улыбка от пивка бутылка,лавки вечером забиты.
Голову под литый понки,да,здесь нет резона.
А будет в два захода,снайперы на крыше,тише,тише.
Ты на мушке,Миша.
Пришел со стадом,а хуй тому засада.
Сделал ты неверный шаг - затопчат всадники на лошадях.
Есть у нас дедуля - всю движуху палит,за лифтом наблюдает.
Пошел пешком,на четвертом ждет облом.
Решил поссать - лучше,парень,убегать - он не шутит.
Этот старый дед любого тут окрутит.
И бабуля на подхвате - с ножами и в халате.
Грязная развратная девица,ночью им не спится,йоу.
За домами лгём, пятнистая труба,вот они - разгон.
Каждый раз,когда идем в магаз,это минимум на час.
Охрана кипишует,думают - воришки,а мы убитые парнишки.
Курим шишки,всё по вышке. Кышь,детвора!
Дымятся падики, с ночи до утра красные глаза,
Так что всё тут заебца. Йоу.

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Все тексты УННВ >>>

Hey, Boulevard, here Syndicate, clap with me in the beat.
You have clean entrances, we have a mess in Padika.
I wanted myself a VIP-bed - take away the attic.
This, fuck, Shevchenko Boulevard, did not get there, asshole.
Seeds, baccake, cap - this is all the garbage, dude.
Kimono, Iron, Ashpot - I walk here like this.
You are raised on porn, here are brought up on plush.
Here, while you are on moving, your chicks are poured in souls.
Do not pussy, but just listen, the manager will strangle you.
There are four hours in the morning, bass ebascute strictly in the ears.
Blood puddles, puddles, tighten your scarf at most.
Hey, fucking nerds, crit, fuck, rotten pears.
I wanted to go to the basement - your nostrils in your feces.
Here is a neighbor that under us is one room on the bath cleaning.
The precinct was engaged in the ditch - knew too much about the plan.
Here you, fuck, not planetarium to know a lot about the plan.
We are in the entrance on the sofa - this is our brutal area.
Kiev, Osipenko Gaya and Korosta with us in a flock.
There are killed, but not by you, there are no anomalies here.
Even in the very crowded place they give you to the ebalin.
Here are hooligans, hands are hidden in his pocket.
I did not have time to blink and the eye, as your herbarium whined.
In the fourth, potassium boils, and on the third, they look at the rally.
Truly Vali, trailing, we killed with the boys.
Immediately understand - who is in the chains, who is a cormorant.
I gave me a gypsy - I will be a starry boy.
Boby Marli inserts us, you are inserted chest Bilan.
Mazafaka Niga, Ay Foret Mai Fakin Gan.
Let the track be the essence in this track, albeit smoking a fool in the entrances.
Not always here I swung everyone, because Unnv does not know the words "little".
Here Armagedon, the beginning of the end here.
Cemetery for the brain, the maternity hospital for the soul.
You pass in a circle, not carcasses, not carcasses. (Not carcasses, not carcasses)

UNNV around UNNV, everything is killed here.
UNNV around Unnv, Staff of first hand, e.
UNNV around Unnv, forever in the head.
Let we know, live always in the world, e.

I decided to throw a sponte - Galimy acceleration.
On the throat of Savkom, the bastard will be covered with sand.
Here Malina, everything is beautiful, surrounds the stores.
Blind is fighting for the bottle, and we score a pipple.
On the face smile from beer bottle, shops are clogged in the evening.
Head under the cast donge, yes, there is no reason.
And there will be two right, snipers on the roof, quieter, quieter.
You're on Mushka, Misha.
Came with the herd, and dick the ambush.
Made you incorrect step - hide riders on horseback.
We have a grandfath - the whole Movie is a palette, observes behind the elevator.
He went on foot, on the fourth waiting for a bummer.
I decided to put it - better, the guy, run away - he does not joke.
This old grandfather of anyone is surrounded here.
And the granny on the pick-up - with knives and in a bathrobe.
Dirty depraved maiden, at night they will not sleep, you.
For houses Lgey, spotted pipe, here they are overclocking.
Every time we go to the store, it is at least an hour.
Protection will kypishov, think - thieves, and we are killed guys.
Smoke bumps, all over the tower. Kysh, a defector!
Padiks wake up, from night to morning red eyes,
So everything is here. JOU.

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