Текст песни payback face

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Перевод текста песни Payback

Исполнитель: FACE
Название: Payback

. Palace and Supreme, Thrasher . too

I . your pink sweatshirt, and your girlfriend, too.

I'll break your skateboards, cut all the tattoos off your skin.

I'll take all your money. I don't even need a knife.

I love it when a bitch cries in pain

Feed on love, and again on will

Internet kids, I want my share

Get this cache and happy again

I'll make you take the pills, son.

To talk about it in the tracks could not

Need more money, . your conversation

My ex and yours are talking about my album.

You still watched Naruto, that's so cool!

. all your interests, you stupid bitch

You know what I can give you today.

And I'm not your boyfriend, stupid, ' cause I'm not .

. Palace and Supreme, Thrasher . too

I . your pink sweatshirt, and your girlfriend, too.

You know what I can give you today.

And I'm not your boyfriend, stupid, ' cause I'm not .

Эта песня от FACE также известна под названием И я не твой бойфренд, дура, ведь меня не .

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