Текст песни ноггано будет свадьба

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Нет Ноггано ты не такой
Ноггано ты – супер герой
Нет, Ноггано ты не плохой
Ты классный оооууу

Я очень злой, я очень плохой
Нет, нет, Ноггано – ты классный

Врубайся, я знаю карате и т.д. и т.п.
Врубайся, я знаю ушу, любого громилу руками задушу
Врубайся, я знаю кунг-фу, мне любые силачи пфу
Врубайся, я знаю бокс, любому м*даку сломаю нос
Врубайся, комментатор Ноггано все время в урагане
Топчит врагов ногами
Знаю, родная, когда придем к твоей маме
Представь меня как комментатор Ноггано
Или лучше не знакомь меня со своей мамой
Потому что я хулиган нереальный
Ноггано, детка, это Ноггано

Ты такой хулигано, Ноггано
Я от тебя тащусь
Ты такой хулигано Ноггано
Я тебя боюсь Was there one owes me money
Got her, did not live up to dnyuhu
Was there one walked, shaking, growling
First shout forever silent
Was there one, strained my bratuha
Cheeky knives from ear to ear
Was there a litter aggressor
Taganskaya, slid on the rails
I had a neighbor prevented muddy party
Now, is not confined to bed humming
I had a friend, the friend-enemy was not, Piech-pav
The priest had a dog he loved her
Bloody zoophyte, I killed him!
Currency dealers then changed one-meanie
It was an attack, mining divided
At the monument in the square were having fun n * dory
We orderlies: brass knuckles, bits
Was there one unearthly beauty
Before chest pain gave her a color
Gopnik grabanuli mavo dad
It appears this is not in the dark, we dismantled
Bought Kalash Czechs
And because it is crumbled, it was a pity money
There was a party at Katie, smashed the hut tries * st to hell
Homeless - devils of my spaniel was killed, skinned
And eaten with vodka
Veselie shorter kurochit terfaces
Tusa, negros, Tajiks, sidelocks
Songs with all nother foot
Remember commentator Noggano - bad

No you're not Noggano
Noggano you - super hero
No, you're not bad Noggano
You cool ooouuu

I am very angry, I'm very bad
No, no, Noggano - you are cool

Cut one, I know karate, etc. etc.
Cut one, I know martial arts, any burglar hands strangle
Cut one, I know kung fu me any athletes PFC
Cut one, I know boxing, any m * Dhaka broken nose
Cut one commentator Noggano all the time in Hurricane
Topcu enemies feet
I know, my dear, when I come to your mom
Imagine me as a commentator Noggano
Or should I not familiar with his mom
Because I'm a bully unreal
Noggano baby is Noggano

You're such a bully Noggano
I trudge on you
You're such a bully Noggano
I am afraid of you

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