Текст песни любовь сердце разрывает

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

2 .
I love you do not dare to say , hanging out with friends I can not,
When I see something red , eyes to the ground omitted.
Understand what I suffer , as I spend time in my life ,
And everything in the world despise one soul love you!
Chorus: .
Love heart breaks ,
Flame melts the soul,
Who walks with you now ,
And who are you so happy ?
Love heart breaks ,
Flame melts the soul,
Who walks with you now ,
And who are you so happy ?

At night I close my eyes , and I see that next to me ,
Fire you as a proud bird, soar over my head.
Love heart breaks ,
Flame melts the soul,
Who walks with you now ,
And who are you so happy ?
Love heart breaks ,
Flame melts the soul,
Who walks with you now ,
And who are you so happy ?

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