Текст песни казаченко судьба

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Ночь отзовётся эхом былой любви.
Слышу твой голос:
«Не ищи, не зови…»
Тает надежда – слишком она слаба…
Встретиться нам на свете, видимо не судьба…

Пролетела ты птицей белою…
Лишь на сердце немая боль.

Пролетела ты птицей белою…
Лишь на сердце немая боль. Sleepless night I put a candle in the window
In the darkness one look . and silently.
Like an icon of black aperture window.
If you cry, too - and then you're alone .

Oh, you're the fate, destiny, you are my fate,
Who I awarded you? -
The black bird with a white sky
I flew my love .
Oh, you're the fate, destiny, you are my fate,
Who punished me you?! ..
You flew bird with a white .
Only in the heart of silent pain.

Night will respond echoing former love.
I can hear your voice:
"Do not look, do not call . "
Melts hope - it is too weak .
Meet us in the world, probably not destiny .

Oh, you're the fate, destiny, you are my fate,
Who I awarded you? -
The black bird with a white sky
I flew my love .
Oh, you're the fate, destiny, you are my fate,
Who punished me you?! ..
You flew bird with a white .
Only in the heart of silent pain.

Oh, you're the fate, destiny, you are my fate,
Who I awarded you? -
The black bird with a white sky
I flew my love .
Oh, you're the fate, destiny, you are my fate,
Who punished me you?! ..
You flew bird with a white .
Only in the heart of silent pain.

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