Текст песни empty note

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

How could I ever know you
When everything lies in disguise?
How could I ever forget
Those eyes looking for my weal?

How could I ever know more
When everything is held by threat?
How could I ever feel you?
Once again, without losing my mind

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

How could I ever know you
When you are miles and miles away?
How could I forgive myself
How blind and scared I was?

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

Oh empty note
Shadows of my past
Made it to the end

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