Текст песни девочка студенточка влюбилась на беду

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Девочка случайной встречи ждёт и там и здесь,
Нервно шлёт ночами сто любовных sms,
А за нею табунами вьются мужики.
Ну почему студенток привлекают старики?

В выходные редко: он - с семьёй, она - одна,
Кушает таблетки, хочет спрыгнуть из окна,
Мёрзнет каждой клеточкой самой себе назло.
Ах, девочка-студенточка, тебе не повезло.

He is much older , he had a family .
Yes, as long as it gets your youth .
But he does not want problems ,
Well, broke flower -
How many new tomorrow grow up !

Girl waiting for a chance meeting here and there ,
Nervously sends one night love sms,
And for her herds twisted men .
Why students are attracted elderly ?

He is much older , he had a family ,
Yes, it gets a little youth yours.
But he does not want problems ,
Well, broke flower -
How many new tomorrow grow up !

Over the weekend, rarely he - and his family , it is - one ,
Eats pills , wants to jump out of the window ,
Freezes every cell in spite of itself .
Oh, girl studentochki , you 're out of luck .

He is much older , he had a family ,
And it certainly does not turn your youth .
He does not want problems ,
Well, broke flower -
How many new tomorrow grow up !
(2 times)

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