Текст песни давно смолкли залпы орудий
Обновлено: 22.02.2025
"For a long time the volleys of the guns fell silent"
The volleys of guns falls silent,
Above us is only sunlight, -
On what are people tested,
If the war is no more?
You hear quite often
Now, as then:
"Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?"
Do not gasp, the armor is not piercing already,
And the death notification is not found under the door,
And it seems as if everything is calm,
Nowhere opens now .
But all the same we hear quite often
Now, as then:
"Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?"
I know the quiet there is only a dream, -
Prepare, hold on and fight! -
There is a peaceful front line -
Trouble, and danger, and risk.
Therefore we hear quite often
Now, as then:
"Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?"
In the fields mines are rendered harmless,
But we are not on a field of flowers, -
You are the quest, the stars, the depths
And we do not consider the costs anymore.
Therefore we hear quite often,
If trouble comes:
"Would you go with him on a reconnaissance?"
"Давно смолкли залпы орудий . " ("Davno smolkli zalpy orudiy . ")
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