Текст песни быдлоцыкл безысходность и тлен

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

Всё обесточится, настанет конец
И мне не захочется брать тебя за попец
Тело желанное, то в какое влюблен
В адовом пламени станет стрёмным углём All depreciate and crashing to the bottom
Shlyundra il virgin - is still
Physicists lyrics are all in the ass
Washed away in the outhouse world , May and diligent work

We were taken prisoner in his tender
Hopelessness and decay , despair and decay

All de-energized , come to an end
And I do not want to take you for popets
The body is desirable , in some love
In the hells flames become strёmnym coal

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