Текст песни асем ауен

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

Добавлено men в вс, 29/11/2015 - 13:52 Переводы "Әсем ән (Äsem Än)" Serik Ibragimov: Топ 3

1.Әсем ән (Äsem Än)
2.Жаяу (Jayaw)
3.Махаббатым (Mahabbatım)
Комментарии сб, 24/09/2016 - 08:58

Please add Lashyn as "Орындаушы ерекшеліктері" not "Also performed by". Lashyn sing it together with Серік, did not do a Lashyn version. And please change "Көктем де, жаз да ешқашан мұңайма" as "Көктем де, жаз да, қыс да ешқашан мұңайма" please.

сб, 24/09/2016 - 14:05

Thank you. I added Lashyn as featuring artist.
There is no mistakes in the lyrics.

сб, 24/09/2016 - 15:38

OK, but i see and hear Серік say "қыс да" in 0:40. I understand, you say "there is nothing wrong" but the part without "қыс да" looks blank. Check it for the last time on Youtube or Kazakh legal mp3 sites and come back to do a comeback ☺. Thank you!

сб, 24/09/2016 - 18:07

I'm a native speaker of Kazakh. There is nothing wrong with that part. Indeed it would sound weird, if there was 'қыс та'. It would then look like 'Winter will come, and also spring, summer, AND WINTER as well'.
Anyway I'm very pleased that you are interested in Kazakh. Thank you

вс, 25/09/2016 - 01:45

Meteliah, I have listened that part again. Though there were not such words as 'қыс та', however I had missed something, and that was 'күз де' (and autumn). So you were right in terms of blank in that part. Than you ))

вс, 25/09/2016 - 10:49

Thank you for listening again and I want to explain why I said "қыс та". I did it just because of I confused "күз" with "көктем". I'm Turkish and there is no көктем, there is "İlkbahar" and others are actually same.

The seasons are "İlkbahar (Илкбахар - not really similar to Көктем)", "Yaz (Яз - just similar to Жаз)", "Güz or Sonbahar (Гүз - just similar to Күз)" and "Kış (Кыш - just similar to Қыс)" there. So көктем makes me confused.


сб, 22/10/2016 - 09:57

A new Kazakh language starter moderator told me there is a rule as "Romanization (Original)". So you must change it to "Äsem än (Əсем əн)". Thanks.

вс, 06/10/2019 - 20:42

Omg reading these messages is devastating Sorry for everything, I used to be such an annoying person

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