Ствол дымится n1nt3nd0 текст песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025


Перевод текста песни Отмели

Исполнитель: N1NT3ND0
Название: Отмели

Is Nintendo

You know me? The shallows!

The sting of a gash below his cut off a piece,

He jokes and other vagrants pin.

Note, one hundred pounds, something that has not shallows

Shoals, Shallows, Note Note-the Shallows

Hey you break out of this loop,

Who said that the boys did not live

So how did the kings live?

If the force is not enough - on the sidelines a smoke

In Sel'mash, on Belgorod river,

To drive heated - taught Starsky

They were taught the elderly, bosota warm up with the score.

Want to say cormorant in black gun

Want Vasya weight? All the weight is in the simplicity

Head aching - all that was shoals.

Never beriberi aspirin,

Here right now live in the outskirts and vacant lots,

From Kaliningrad to the Southern Kuriles

Do one, two, three.,

There is a theme - yet brushed aside

Nintendo lays on bites from the cross Family.

Joint cart - style, dirty style,

Taxi, take me to residential masiv,

Spin this Cd until the Kents are shallowed.

Видео N1NT3ND0 - Отмели на ютуб

Отзывы о песне N1NT3ND0 - Отмели

Сегодня на улице слышал песню со словами Stop pushing me around, кто знает что за песня?

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