Слова песни витре буйный

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

«Вітре буйний» ''Vítre Buini''- ''Wild Wind''
National Ukrainian poem and song. aka ‘’Dúmka” 'Думка'('Thoughts')
Lyrics: Tarás G. Sevchenko (1838) Тарас Г. Шевченко.
Original Ukrainian lyrics
Music: Víktor G. Zajárenko (Виктор Г. Захарченко).
Kubánski Kazáchi Jor ( Кубанский Казачий Xор)
Soloitst: Marina Sergueiéva Gólchenko (Марина Сергеевна Гольченко)
Tarás Sévchenko wrote this poem in 1838, when Romanticism prevailed in art.

Literary analysis:
A young woman asks the wild wind to help her find her loved one, lost somewhere at sea. Only the powerful wind can match the sea. Only the wild wind can express the strong feeling of the afflicted lover. Nature reflecting the feelings of the poet in a monologue that blends desperation, suffering, begging, demand, wrath…Short lines (mainly 8 syllables) and short stanzas, with continual use of personal pronouns (I, you, me, he, him it) as the poem is a monologue: ‘’I-verb-you-him-“. It's also a tragic search: “where?, if, what?; where the only voice we hear tries to confirm the death of her lover, because it will allow her to turn powerless grief in relieving wrath; the anguish of uncertainty into active rage. A human voice talking to forces of nature in order to express the strength of its feelings.
The short lines, simple sentences, strong rhyme, exclamations; the clear, familiar and predictable meaning of the lyrics… Are the key to a deeply and strong expression of feelings. Traditional popular love poems follow this pattern, which is also ideal for the lyrics to be sung.
* Rusalka (plural:rusalki): In the Slavic traditions, Rusalki are spirits of young women that suffered a tragic death by a river or lake, where they remain as sirens. They would come out and dance on the meadows nearby at midnight, enchanting handsome men with songs and dance and lead them to the water where they drown. Some versions also include babies who died before christening. Rusalki are not, then, devilish in essence: they would rest in peace when their deaths are avenged. To appease them, country woman leave a cross by the river, a magic circle, incense,garlic; and offer prayers for their souls. Rusalka traditions are similar to Irish Banshee and Greek Nix.

The poet:
Tarás Sevchenko was born a serf, although his parents were literate. Shepherd and worker at an oven, he taught himself to paint in secret. His master discovered his talent and took him to Vilnius at the age of 15. Some of his acquaintances, mostly painters, bought Sevchenko´s freedom at the age of 24 so he could be admitted by the The Academy of Art. (Serfs in Russia had a legal status similar to slavery). About 1837 he had started writing poems, although nobody noticed that ability until he became a free man. Sevchenko had read Ukrainian folk anthologies as well as poems by Romantic writers. He started to write as a serf and published his work as a free person, in his native Ukrainian language, considered suitable for serfs, not for literature. He wrote about the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Among tese poems were ‘’Dumka” (‘Thoughts), ‘Dumni Moi’ (My Thoughts), and the lyrics of ‘Vitre Búini’ ( Powerful/ Wild Wind’’)
He spent his life painting, writing as became an outstanding intellectual figure. As a member of revolutionary movements, Sevchenko was sent as a private to Kazakhstan, were he just could paint and write secretly for ten years, until his friends could obtain his freedom…again

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