Слова песни папин олимпос я удалю

Обновлено: 06.03.2025


Тексты песен / П / слова песен Папин Олимпос / Я удалю тебя из друзей

Перевод текста песни Я удалю тебя из друзей

Папин Олимпос

Исполнитель: Папин Олимпос
Название: Я удалю тебя из друзей

I'll remove you from my friends list

I'll throw away my phone

It will be much more fun

Without you and unnecessary radio waves

Without all these funny people

What . brains

My friend and I will go to the museum

And we will recline there from longing

Dude, do you remember me?

I saw you last Wednesday on the bus

After lunch

It was still dripping from the sky then

By time - about three

I'll tell you about my dead grandfather

About how . living without money

About an ex-girlfriend

And about tuberculosis

Bro, I would love to talk to you about everything, I'm not lazy

But there is one "but":

I do not care about you, and most likely on the first day

I'll remove you from my friends list

I'll throw away my phone

It will be much more fun

Without you and unnecessary radio waves

Without all these funny people

Which is permanent . brains

My friend and I are going to the museum

And we will recline there from longing

You're all the same as the cosmos

Just as dark

I'm so far away from you

After all, I'm flying in the opposite direction

Where it's lighter

And where there is no you, you, you, you, you, you, you, wa-a-as

You, you, you, you, you

And where aren't you

All conversations are empty

If you're not a water carrier

And we're not in the desert

I won't be friends with you

Under no circumstances

Even if you're a cop

And I hit it big

If you're a girl

And I fell in love

We'll be friends with you

Go to the movies, but still

It will all end with the fact that, the fact that

I'll remove you from my friends list

I'll throw away my phone

It will be much more fun

Without you and unnecessary radio waves

Without all these funny people

Which is permanent . brains

My friend and I are going to the museum

And we will recline there from longing

You're all the same as the cosmos

Just as dark

I'm so far away from you

After all, I'm flying in the opposite direction

Where it's lighter

And where there is no you, you, you, you, you, you, you, wa-a-as

You, you, you, you, you

And where there is no you, you, you, you, you, you, you, wa-a-as

You, you, you, you, you

And where aren't you

Вероятнее всего вы искали текст композиции Мне так далеко до вас исполнителя Папин Олимпос.

Отзывы о песне Папин Олимпос - Я удалю тебя из друзей

Голос и харизма Папин Олимпос - это нечто конечно, столько драйва, столько энергетики.

Песня классная и клип тоже. Я удалю тебя из друзей хочется слушать все снова и снова.

Какие же сильные эмоции вызывает трек Я удалю тебя из друзей. Этот клип вообще самый любимый. И голос, и музыка, про слова - вообще молчу.

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