Слова песни не мути ее
Обновлено: 06.03.2025
Ты вода бежиш по руслу вниз, она как роза чиста, и к солнцу тянется ввысь.
She is beautiful and clean as the water in the river is not its dregs
Not burn out like a candle . words of love do not say - let her go
What can you give in life BEYOND drink yes steal Do not love her !!
If it gets away , it would be better to forget not keep her , let her go .
You bezhish water along the bed down , as it rose clear, and the sun stretches skyward.
She is beautiful and clean as the water in the river is not its dregs
As the candle burns out no words of love do not say do not hold her Let her go
What do you have in life only to drink but to steal Do not love her !!
If it gets away , it would be better to forget not keep her , let her go .
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