Слова песни надеюсь ты довольна

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

"Умри, сука " - говорит мне алкоголь.
Я режу руки, но не чувствую боли.
Мы давно не вместе,
У тебя другой.
Надеюсь, ты счастлива.
Надеюсь, ты довольна.

Дай мне бутылку - я разобью себе о голову,
Я кину лампу в зеркало, но почему я такой полый ?
Сожги все стихи в нашем раздолье.
Твоё голое тело торкает по-прежнему сильно,
Но со мной максимум во дворе попить пива.
Бритва на завтрак, вены на обед и кровь на ужин.
В венозном коктейле нас всех закружит.
Круги под глазами - значит я снова обсажен,
А я помнишь, я твой романтичный Саша.
Но сегодня с обсаженным еблом и трясущимися руками я бы ёбнул себе в голову дробью.
Набирая номер, клацая по кнопкам с кровью.
Это последний звонок, есть только я и комната.
Спасибо тебе, ёбанная пустота.
Мы отъезжаем.
Нахуй любовь, нахуй любовь, надеюсь ты довольна.

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Все тексты Vspak >>>

View of the window:
I saw an empty soul in the mirror in the morning
Waking up
You will only see a painted face
I really need air
Around only a vacuum
Only alcohol in the blood, and whoever blathers there
- I got it again!
Cold winter again
You warmed your hands at the entrance, and in your hand a hole
The cards are dumb, lost all youth
And your pride in being in the oral cavity.
Veteran will not receive a medal for valor
You wiped away the tears while I rubbed you.
An unfortunate drug addict is put in the basement,
Aya, you are unhappy
Ina is leaning.
Looking out the window
Japanese still then, all that was there is only a sight of deception

void inside you:
Love was looking for
But immediately went astray
Found a place to sell alcohol after nine
To erase you from memory
I drank too much
-A nerd!
Told me consciousness
Stupid alternative
Ninth month of depression, health risk
Alcohol and nicotine in my blood often
Remains of this year will be wasted
'Cause without you my heart is empty
Part of it is my grief
This is your happiness
Until the lake of love has dried, change
The weather is changing
Snow turns into puddles
But I don't change
I do not need anyone
Give me alcohol, yes fuck, at least have a drink
I drank everything
Including your gyrus
I am dissapointed
But I don't want to stay here
I wanted a good life
But now life is under a dropper!

“Die bitch,” alcohol tells me.
I cut my hands but don’t feel pain.
We have not been together for a long time
You have a different one.
I hope you are happy.
I hope you are satisfied.

Give me a bottle - I'll smash myself on my head
I will throw a lamp in the mirror, but why am I so hollow?
Burn all the verses in our expanse.
Your bare body still sticks hard
But with me the maximum in the yard to drink beer.
Razor for breakfast, veins for lunch and blood for dinner.
In a venous cocktail it will make us all whirl.
Circles under the eyes - so I'm cased again
And I remember, I'm your romantic Sasha.
But today with a cased fuck and shaking hands, I would have fucked myself in the head with a shot.
Dialing a number, clicking on the buttons with blood.
This is the last call, there is only me and the room.
Thank you fucking void.
We are driving off.
Fuck love, fuck love, I hope you're happy.

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