Саша мой бог текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Сама себя в эту клетку засунула
Сама себе эту сказку придумала
Но видно он тебе показал такую дорогу
Которая не снилась реальному богу
И ты отдашь ему и душу и тело
Но всё в порядке - ты сама так хотела
Отдать себя всю, не оставив ни грамма
Такая твоя программа

Моё одиночество мне как урок
К чёрту пророчества, ты есть мой бог
Я напишу для них несколько строк
Я не молюсь чужим, ты же мой бог

В неправильной тактике сотни дорог
Но в этой галактике ты есть мой бог
И если прощаемся через порог
Ты возвращаешься, ты же сам бог

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Все тексты Саша >>>

I do not believe the alien words
No signs, no prophetic dreams
And the answers to all simple
Is all as you want
Can you give me , and heaven and hell
Can bring back time
Me life is assigned a
Because you're a god

My loneliness is me as a lesson
To hell with the prophecies you are my god
I'll write a few lines for them
I do not pray a stranger , you're my god

In the wrong tactics hundreds of roads
But in this galaxy you are my god
And if you say goodbye to the threshold
You come back , you're God himself

Expecting Hardest
the appearance of your
For you do not shut the door
Come and come now
You have to imagine tamed
Plaid solid lured
Launched and closed lock
But you're my god

My loneliness is me as a lesson
To hell with the prophecies you are my god
I'll write a few lines for them
I do not pray a stranger , you're my god

In the wrong tactics hundreds of roads
But in this galaxy you are my god
And if you say goodbye to the threshold
You come back , you're God himself

Herself stuck in this cage
Itself invented this story
But apparently he showed you this way
Undreamed real god
And you give him body and soul
But it's OK - you yourself wanted so
Give myself all without leaving a single gram
This is your program

My loneliness is me as a lesson
To hell with the prophecies you are my god
I'll write a few lines for them
I do not pray a stranger , you're my god

In the wrong tactics hundreds of roads
But in this galaxy you are my god
And if you say goodbye to the threshold
You come back , you're God himself

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