Саграда на твоей земле текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Эмиссары жадных Соединенных Штатов,
Вали их без пощады, прямо на площадках для посадки,
Звездно-полосатые падут знамена ада,
Саграда - хит-парад Багдада.

Всем людям доброй воли – как заряды над футбольным полем
Летят эти слова, знакомые до боли.
Кого-то вечно раздражаю я своими треками,
Да, я пил с бомжами, дружил с калеками.
Теперь с коллегами по цеху в душу пробиваю ногой,
Да, я такой. Я белый и плохой.
Саграда – парень, призванный бессрочно.
Веду стрельбу я одиночными, зато точную.
Читаю рэп на площадях и в горячих точках
И не играю в негров у горящих бочек.
Вы подъедаете у них, как шакал Табаки.
Я зачитаю вам сквозь ваши факи за наши флаги.
Это наш лагерь. Тут стоят интербригады.
Там поджигают ваши хаты гончие Гекаты.
Там папские легаты вас склоняют к унии
И гады скалят свои пасти в полнолуния.
Не потому ли я так до сих пор и не потонул,
Хотя меня хотят пустить ко дну, как мою страну?
На чью ты сторону встал, вась, ты сам-то понял?
Но рабство добровольное – это не больно.
Это не древняя Япония. Я не самурай.
Тут полицаи с партизанами. С кем ты? Выбирай.
Упирай в плечо приклад. Потёртый автомат
Пусть ведёт всех нас защищать Донецк, Дамаск, Багдад. Welcome to hell, to Baghdad.
And let the grenade and machine gun keep you, brother,
And I would be happy with you, but this fight is not mine,
For me they will come in nuclear winter.
And wherever rockets hit the minarets,
At the same time they are understandable and stereotyped.
Yugoslavia. Afghanistan. Iraq. Iran.
On their hands is the blood of Orthodox and Muslims.
By a smile without a mind, on whitened teeth,
Know their flock. They come tomorrow.
The new world order is leading its troops
Through our souls and heads.
But people popcorn, people screen
Against the people of the prophet, the people of the Koran.
And who there will be a wolf, and who is a sheep,
While talking early. The wounded monitor is twice as dangerous
At home in the desert sharp knives cut their heads empty.
Remember before the death of your prairie girl Mary,
Hamburger and Mom, emissary of the empire.
We are grateful for our faith in heaven.
We will return these lands to the memory of our fathers.
You came to a strange monastery with its charter,
Cunt you.

Emissaries of the greedy United States,
Wali them without mercy, right on the landing sites,
Star-striped fall banners of hell,
Sagrada is the hit parade of Baghdad.

All people of goodwill - like charges over the football field
Flying these words, familiar to the pain.
Someone always irritates me with my tracks,
Yes, I drank with homeless people, made friends with cripples.
Now with my colleagues in the shop in the soul I punched my foot,
Yes, I am like this. I'm white and bad.
Sagrada is a guy called for unlimited.
I lead the shooting single, but accurate.
I read rap on squares and hot spots
And I do not play Negroes with burning barrels.
You chew at them like a jackal of Tabaka.
I will read to you through your fake for our flags.
This is our camp. Here are the brigades.
They burn your huts Hecate hounds.
There the papal legates incline you to a union
And reptiles rock their mouths into full moons.
Is it because I still have not drowned so,
Although they want to sink me like my country?
On whose side did you stand, you, did you understand?
But slavery is voluntary - it does not hurt.
This is not ancient Japan. I'm not a samurai.
There are policemen with partisans. With whom you are? Choose.
Lean on the shoulder with a butt. Shabby automaton
Let lead all of us to defend Donetsk, Damascus, Baghdad.

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