Просто ты такая не такая как все mband текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Стройными ногами пересекла мой путь.
Фото на память, не для инстаграма;
Быстрая словно ртуть.

Я не теряю темпа и настроя;
Я люблю побеждать!
Мне очень нравится быть с тобою,
Но мне не нравится долго ждать!

[Куплет 2]:
Стройными ногами ты завела меня
Туда, где небо за облаками;
Я не могу без тебя и дня!

[Куплет 3]:
Воу, ты взрываешь мой мозг.
Я вокруг тебя трусь, ну, а ты на мороз.
Сложная штучка! Не такая, как все!
Дикая кошка, не подкрасться совсем.

Я найду к тебе путь.
Дай только шанс, я пойму в чём же суть.
Фиаско не будет, я тебя не оставлю.
Дай только шанс, детка - я всё исправлю!

I do not lose pace and mood;
I love to win!
I really like being with you
But I do not like to wait long!

You are just different! Not like everyone else.
You are just different! Not like everyone else.
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

You are just different! Not like everyone else.
It’s just you, as if unearthly at all.
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

I could fix it!
I could fix it, but you don’t give.

[Verse 2]:
Slim legs you got me
There, where the sky is beyond the clouds;
I can’t live without you even a day!

You are just different! Not like everyone else.
You are just different! Not like everyone else.
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

You are just different! Not like everyone else.
It’s just you, as if unearthly at all.
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

I could fix it!
I could fix it, but you don’t give.

If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

[Verse 3]:
Wow, you blow my brain.
I'm rubbing around you, well, and you're in the cold.
Sophisticated little thing! Not like everyone else!
Wild cat, don’t sneak up at all.
Well .

I will find a way to you.
Give me only a chance, I’ll understand the essence.
There will be no debacle, I will not leave you.
Give me only a chance, baby - I'll fix it!

You are just different! Not like everyone else.
You are just different! Not like everyone else.
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

You are just different! Not like everyone else.
It’s just you, as if unearthly at all.
If you gave me a chance, I could fix it!

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