Песня на тебе сошелся клином слова

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

Сколько зим, - ты тихо скажешь.- Сколько лет
Сколько зим, - ты тихо скажешь.- Сколько лет
На тебе сошелся клином белый свет.
На тебе сошелся клином белый свет.
На тебе сошелся клином белый свет. On you made friends wedge white light
On you made friends wedge white light
On you made friends wedge white light
But he disappeared around the bend toboggan trail

I would take a turn for the run yes
Ran would only give pride

One hundred of the world will be held rain, one hundred newly-fallen snow
One hundred of the world will be held rain, one hundred newly-fallen snow
One hundred of the world will be held rain, one hundred newly-fallen snow
And once you hear and come
And once you hear and come

How many winters - you quietly skazhesh.- How old
How many winters - you quietly skazhesh.- How old
On you I made friends wedge white light.
On you I made friends wedge white light.
On you I made friends wedge white light.

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