Песня книжный червячок слова

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

1. Если ты услышишь хруст в тишине, когда дом пуст, -
Не бросайся наутёк – это книжный червячок.
- Так зовут меня не зря: люблю очень книги я
И поэтому живу: «Полка три в большом шкафу».

Хрум-хрум-хрум, чок-чок-чок,
Я книжный червячок.
Хрум-хрум-хрум, чок-чок-чок,
Я книжный червячок

1. If you hear the crunch in silence, when the house is empty -
Not rushes away - is a book worm.
- So my name is not in vain: I like very much the book
And that is why I live, "three-in-Shelf large closet."

Munch-munch-munch, chok-chok-chok,
I am a book worm.
Munch-munch-munch, chok-chok-chok,
I am a book worm

2. Every day, from year to year,
Wiping the sweat from his forehead,
I am working on the books,
It is wise to become anxious.
So many clever books I gnawed
From bottom to top and top to bottom.
But I must tell you:
There is only one MOST!

3. Sages it smarter,
Documents of all the faithful.
That's what I was able to find out:
Its author - is God.
Now I devoted all his life,
To this Book nibble.
I'll cherish it,
I will live the Word of God!

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