Ой вы нули что заснули слова песни

Обновлено: 22.02.2025

С песней звонкой
Шел сторонкой
К Любушке своей,
И украдкой,
И с оглядкой
Целовался с ней.

Мать узнала,
Все пропало, -
Любу заперла,
И из дому
За Ерему
Замуж отдала.

Я другую,
Выберу жену:
В чистом поле
На просторе -
Гибкую сосну.

What is so boring,
Why so sad,
Is the day not a day?
And, happened,
I was rushing,
The cap on the head!

Hey, you, well,
What fell asleep!
Move, look!
Young, eh, remote,
Oh, my hryvats!

With the song, the bell
It was a side
To Ljubushka the,
And sneakily,
And with an eye
Kissed with her.

Mother has learned,
Everything is lost, -
Lubu locked it,
And from home
For Yeremy
She married me.

I'm different,
Choose a wife:
In the open field
In the open air -
Flexible pine.

Time is blowing,
The blood will freeze,
Silence will be silent.
The crow,
Troika is only a pity!

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