Мне с тобой повезло текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Мысли прозою
Любовь дозою
Ты с угрозою
Села в грудь занозою
Мне тоскуется
Не балУется
Не дуркуется
А мир за нас волнуется

I'll steal your eyes radiance
Under the windows stand as reminders
The fact that sometimes happiness goes close
The fact that we all love at risk
About how we look to our pictures
The fact that it is better to sleep in the arms w
To learn how to love sticky firmly
About how I was lucky with you ! It - just !

thoughts prose
love dozoyu
You threaten to
Village in the chest thorn
I longingly
does not indulge in
not Durkee
And the world is worried for us

I'll steal your eyes radiance
Under the windows stand as reminders
The fact that sometimes happiness goes close
The fact that we all love at risk
About how we look to our pictures
The fact that it is better to sleep in the arms w
To learn how to love sticky firmly
About how I was lucky with you ! It - just !

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