Мама подари мне куклу текст песни

Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Всю ночь снаружи дождик капал,
Играли ветры на трубе.
И снилось мне, что дочка с папой
Решили взять меня к себе.
А назавтра было чудо - так и вышло,
Вновь приходят папа с дочкою-малышкой.

Ах значит, я счастливой буду.
Меня возьмут, сбылись мечты.
Как хорошо, когда кому-то
Под этим небом нужен ты.
И смеется за окном девчонка звонко,
Есть теперь простая радость у ребенка.

I'm under the glass, I'm on the show-window
I look out the window at a rainy hour.
And day and night from that picture
I do not remove the glass eyes.
Everyone passes by, and one girl
Says: "What a sad toy!"

Give your father, give your father,
Daddy give me a doll!
Give your father, give your father,
Daddy give me a doll!

All night long the rain dripped,
Winds played on the pipe .
And I dreamed that my daughter and father
They decided to take me to their room.
And the next day was a miracle - and it turned out,
Once again, my father and daughter are coming.

Give your father, give your father,
Daddy give me a doll!
Give your father, give your father,
Daddy give me a doll!

Ah, then I will be happy .
Me will be taken, dreams come true.
How good it is when someone
Under this sky you need.
And the girl laughs outside the window loudly,
There is now a simple joy for the child.

Dad gave it, Dad gave it,
Dad gave me a doll!
Dad gave it, Dad gave it,
Dad gave me a doll!

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